VSPACE Documentation

VSPACE is a tool to build input files for a parameter sweep with VPLanet, creating a set of individual directories that contain VPLanet input files that are ready to be simulated.

With VSPACE you can quickly and easily build input files with specific parameters with a specific type of distribution. In Grid Mode you can build input files in which the initial conditions have regular spacings within specified limits and with either linear or logarithmic spacings. In Random Mode the distributions are random, but can be uniform, Gaussian or uniform in sine or cosine. Non-uniform distributions can be easily truncated, if necessary. Histograms of the initial conditions will also be built. After generating the trials, use the multiplanet script to run.


To maximize VSPACE’s power, run mulitplanet with the -bp flag to automatically build a BigPlanet archive immediately after the simulations finish. Then create BigPlanet files from the archive as needed, and use BigPlanet’s scripting functions to extract vectors and matrices for plotting, statistical analyses, etc.