Understanding Keys ================== Keys are the bread and butter of ``BigPlanet``. The keys are the names of the variables that can be extracted from a BigPlanet archive. .. note:: Keys using the following format for naming: body:parameter:aggregation, where "aggregation" is an aspect of the variable. Below is a table of aggregations related to input and output files: +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Aggregation | Description | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Initial | The initial values of a parameter as listed in the log file | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Final | The final values of a parameter as listed in the log file | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Option | The parameter's argument to an option in the input file | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Forward | A list of the parameter's values in the forward file. | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Backward | A list of the parameter's values in the backward file. | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Climate | A list of the parameter's climate values (*POISE only*). | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | OutputOrder | A list of the parameters and units assoicated with saOutputOrder. | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GridOutput Order | A list of the names and units of the climate file (*POISE only*). | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ In addition, variables that are listed in ``VPLanet`` forward or backward files also have a set of statistical aggretations that can be applied. Use one of these to quickly obtain metadata on a particular variable. For example, Earth:Eccentricity:Min would return the minimum values of eccentricity recorded for every simulation. +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Aggregation | Description | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Min | The minimum values of a parameter recorded for each simulation. | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Max | The maximum values of a parameter recorded for each simulation. | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Mean | The arithmetic means of a parameter recorded for each simulation. | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Geometric Mean | The geometric means of a parameter recorded for each simulation. | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Standard Deviation | The standard deviations of a parameter recorded for each simulation. | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. warning:: The preceding aggregations will **only** work with parameters that are from the *forward* or *backward* file.