Running MultiPlanet

To run MultiPlanet on a large number of simulations, first run VSPACE to create the simulation folders. Then, in that same directory, type:

multiplanet <input file> -c [number of cores] -q -bp -m [email]

Where the “input file” must be the same file used with VSPACE. You can specify the number of cores, but the default is the maximum number of cores.

There are three optional arguments for MultiPlanet:

-q: there will be no output in the command line

-bp: `BigPlanet`_ will be ran in conjunction with MultiPlanet.

-m: emails the users at email when the simulations are complete

MultiPlanet keeps track of the status of the parameter sweep. Should the run halt early for any reason, simply run MultiPlanet again it will restart all the simulations that crashed and continue on with the parameter sweep. You can also check the status of the parameter sweep with mpstatus.


If you decide to rerun a parameter sweep, you must delete the checkpoint file! The name of this file is .sDestFolder, where sDestFolder is the option in VSPACE the provdes the name for the directory that contains the simulations. If you do not delete this file, the MultiPlanet will conclude your sweep has finished and will not restart the simulations.