Authors ======= `VPLanet` has been developed by a team of scientists with a broad range of expertise. The following list give the names and contributions of all developers. **Rory Barnes** is the lead developer who conceived the project, implemented the matrices and vectors of function pointers, designed the I/O scheme, and maintains this repository. He also wrote most of the top-level files, such as vplanet.h, control.c, etc. He also developed EqTide and RadHeat. He can be reached at **Russell Deitrick** developed the DistOrb, DistRot, GalHabit and POISE modules, as well as VSPACE. **Rodrigo Luger** developed the AtmEsc and STELLAR modules, as well as the accompanying VPLOT resource. He also designed this repository, including setting up the continuous integration and documentation. **David Fleming** developed the BINARY module and has contributed to STELLAR, AtmEsc, and EqTide. He also wrote the first version ofBigPlanet. **Hayden Smotherman** developed SpiNBody and has contributed to various subroutines that have significantly increased the efficiency of the executable. He also added OpenMP functionality for multithreading. **Peter Driscoll** developed the ThermInt module, contributed to RadHeat, and connected them both to EqTide. **Patrick Barth** developed the MagmOc module. He also assisted in AtmEsc development. **Laura Amaral** developed the FLARE module and contributed to AtmEsc. **Thomas Quinn** assisted in the development of DistOrb, DistRot, and GalHabit. He also found many bugs with valgrind and address-sanitizer. **Caitlyn Wilhelm** added forced eccentricity and obliquity oscillations to POISE, and assisted in debugging it. She also built the BigPlanet and MultiPlanet scripts. **Rodolfo Garcia** assisted in AtmEsc and ThermInt development. **Ludmila Carone** assisted in the development of the MagmOc module. **Billy Quarles** enabled POISE to read in previously computed orbital and rotational data. **Pramod Gupta** ported VPLanet to Windows 10. **Diego McDonald** added the Lehmer-Catling model to AtmEsc. **Benjamin Guyer** assisted in the coupling of EqTide and ThermInt. **Lyan Guez** contributed to the development of the mpstatus script.