


Subroutines that control the integration of the orbital model.


Russell Deitrick (deitrr)


April 28 2015


void BodyCopyDistOrb(BODY *dest, BODY *src, int iTideModel, int iNumBodies, int iBody)
void InitializeBodyDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iModule)
void InitializeUpdateTmpBodyDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, UPDATE *update, int iBody)
void ReadDfCrit(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)
void ReadInvPlane(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)
void ReadOutputLapl(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)
void ReadOutputEigen(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)
void ReadOverrideMaxEcc(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)
void ReadHaltHillStab(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)
void ReadHaltCloseEnc(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)
void ReadOrbitModel(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)
void InitializeOptionsDistOrb(OPTIONS *options, fnReadOption fnRead[])
void ReadOptionsDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, fnReadOption fnRead[], int iBody)
double fndCorrectDomain(double angle)
double fndCalcLongP(double dLongA, double dArgP)
double fndCalcLongA(double dLongP, double dArgP)
void VerifyOrbitModel(CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options)
void VerifyPericenter(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OPTIONS *options, char cFile[], int iBody, int iVerbose)
void InitializeHeccDistOrbRD4(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iPert)
void InitializeKeccDistOrbRD4(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iPert)
void InitializeHeccDistOrbGR(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iPert)
void InitializeKeccDistOrbGR(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iPert)
void InitializePincDistOrbRD4(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iPert)
void InitializeQincDistOrbRD4(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iPert)
void VerifyPerturbersDistOrbRD4(BODY *body, int iNumBodies, int iBody)
void InitializeHeccDistOrbLL2(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iPert)
void InitializeKeccDistOrbLL2(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iPert)
void InitializePincDistOrbLL2(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iPert)
void InitializeQincDistOrbLL2(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iPert)
void VerifyPerturbersDistOrbLL2(BODY *body, int iNumBodies, int iBody)
void VerifyGRCorrLL2(BODY *body, int iNumBodies)
void AssignDistOrbDerivatives(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody)
void NullDistOrbDerivatives(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody)
void VerifyDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iModule)
void InitializeUpdateDistOrb(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int iBody)
void FinalizeUpdateHeccDistOrb(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)
void FinalizeUpdateKeccDistOrb(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)
void FinalizeUpdatePincDistOrb(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)
void FinalizeUpdateQincDistOrb(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)
void CountHaltsDistOrb(HALT *halt, int *iNumHalts)
void VerifyHaltDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OPTIONS *options, int iBody, int *iHalt)
int fniHaltHillStab(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, HALT *halt, IO *io, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody)
int fniHaltCloseEnc(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, HALT *halt, IO *io, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody)
int fbHaltMaxMutualIncDistorb(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, HALT *halt, IO *io, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody)

Check the maximum allowed mutual inclination when DistOrb is active.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • evolve – A pointer to the integration EVOLVE instance

  • halt – A pointer to the HALT instance

  • io – A pointer to the IO instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current index in the BODY instance, irrelevant in this case because mutual inclination is by definition a multi-body variable


TRUE if one mutual incliantion in a system is larger than dHaltMaxMutualInc, FALSE if not

int fbCheckMutualIncDistorb(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, HALT *halt, IO *io, UPDATE *update, int iBody)

Check if mutual inclination exceeds the warning limit

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • evolve – A pointer to the integration EVOLVE instance

  • halt – A pointer to the HALT instance

  • io – A pointer to the IO instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current index in the BODY instance, irrelevant in this case because mutual inclination is by definition a multi-body variable


TRUE if one mutual incliantion in a system is larger than dHaltMaxMutualInc, FALSE if not

void WriteEigen(CONTROL *control, SYSTEM *system)
void WriteBodyDEccDtDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])
void WriteBodyDSincDtDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])
void WriteBodyDLongPDtDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])
void WriteBodyDLongADtDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])
void WriteBodyDIncDtDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])
void WriteBodySinc(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])
void WriteBodyPinc(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])
void WriteBodyQinc(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])
void WriteBodyDHeccDtDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])
void WriteBodyDKeccDtDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])
void WriteBodyDPincDtDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])
void WriteBodyDQincDtDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])
void InitializeOutputDistOrb(OUTPUT *output, fnWriteOutput fnWrite[])
void LogOptionsDistOrb(CONTROL *control, FILE *fp)
void LogDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UPDATE *update, fnWriteOutput fnWrite[], FILE *fp)
void LogBodyDistOrb(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UPDATE *update, fnWriteOutput fnWrite[], FILE *fp, int iBody)
void AddModuleDistOrb(CONTROL *control, MODULE *module, int iBody, int iModule)
void PropsAuxDistOrb(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, IO *io, UPDATE *update, int iBody)
void ForceBehaviorDistOrb(BODY *body, MODULE *module, EVOLVE *evolve, IO *io, SYSTEM *system, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody, int iModule)
unsigned long int fniFactorial(unsigned int n)
int fniNchoosek(int N, int k)

Number of combinations of k in N

  • N – Size of set

  • k – Size of desired subset


Binomial coefficient N choose k

int fniCombCount(int x, int y, int N)

Gives the index of a pair of values in N choose 2. For example, for 4 planets, the index for the pair (1,2) -> 0, (1,3) -> 1, (1,4) -> 2, (2,3) -> 3, etc.

  • x – Index of first planet

  • y – Index of second planet

  • N – Number of planets in system


Index corresponding to planet pair (x,y)

double fndABmatrix(BODY *body, int j, int jBody, int kBody)

Calculates components AB matrices to find eigenvalues in LL2 problem

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • j – Index j in Laplace coefficients

  • jBody – Index of perturbed body

  • kBody – Index of perturbing body


Component of A or B matrix in rad/year

double fndMutualHillRad(BODY *body, int iBody, int jBody)

Calculates mutual hill radii between two bodies

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


Mutual hill radii in meters

double fndGRCorrMatrix(BODY *body, int jBody, int kBody)

Post-Newtonian correction to AB matrix in LL2 solution

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • jBody – Index of perturbed body

  • kBody – Index of perturbing body


Correction to component of AB matrix (added to A and B) in rad/year

void HessEigen(double **amat, int origsize, double real[], double imag[])

Finds all eigenvalues of an upper Hess. matrix amat

  • amat – Matrix to find eigenvalues of

  • origsize – Size of original matrix

  • real – The real components of the eigenvalues

  • imag – The imaginary components of the eigenvalues (usually ~ 0)

void RowSwap(double **matrix, int size, int i, int j)

Swaps two rows in a matrix

  • matrix – Matrix in question

  • size – The number of rows/columns in matrix (square)

  • i – One of the rows to be swapped

  • j – The other row to be swapped

void ColSwap(double **matrix, int size, int i, int j)

Swaps two columns in a matrix

  • matrix – Matrix in question

  • size – The number of rows/columns in matrix (square)

  • i – One of the columns to be swapped

  • j – The other column to be swapped

void HessReduce(double **a, int size)

Reduces a matrix to Upper Hessenberg form

  • a – Matrix in question

  • size – The number of rows/columns in matrix a (square)

void BalanceMatrix(double **a, int size)

Balances a matrix

  • a – Matrix to be balanced

  • size – The number of rows/columns in matrix a (square)

void LUDecomp(double **amat, double **copy, double *scale, int *rowswap, int size)

Decomposes matrix to LU form

  • amat – Matrix to be LU’ed

  • copy – Copy of matrix containing LU decomposition

  • scale – Vector of scale factors used in decomposition

  • rowswap – Indices of swapped rows

  • size – Size of matrix (square)

void LUSolve(double **lumat, double *soln, int *swap, int size)

Solves system of equations involving an LU matrix

  • lumat – LU matrix

  • soln – Vector containing output solution

  • swap – Indices of swapped rows

  • size – Size of matrix (square)

void FindEigenVecEcc(SYSTEM *system, int count, int pls)

Find eccentricity eigenvectors for LL2 solution

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • count – Index of eigenvalue

  • pls – Number of planets

void FindEigenVecInc(SYSTEM *system, int count, int pls)

Find inclination eigenvectors for LL2 solution

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • count – Index of eigenvalue

  • pls – Number of planets

void SolveEigenVal(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, SYSTEM *system)

Find eigenvalues for LL2 solution

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • evolve – Struct containing evolve information

  • system – Struct containing system information

void ScaleEigenVec(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, SYSTEM *system)

Scales eigenvectors to initial conditions

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • evolve – Struct containing evolve information

  • system – Struct containing system information

void RecalcLaplace(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, SYSTEM *system, int iVerbose)

Recalculates Semi-major axis terms in case where RD4 solution is coupled to eqtide

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • evolve – Struct containing evolve information

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iVerbose – Verbosity level of output (currently not in use)

void RecalcEigenVals(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, SYSTEM *system)

Recalculates eigenvalues in case where LL2 solution is coupled to eqtide

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • evolve – Struct containing evolve information

  • system – Struct containing system information

double fndXangle1(BODY *body, int iBody)

First x-term associated rotation into 3D Cartesian coordinates

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • iBody – Index of body in question


First x-term in rotation into 3D coordinates

double fndXangle2(BODY *body, int iBody)

Second x-term associated rotation into 3D Cartesian coordinates

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • iBody – Index of body in question


Second x-term in rotation into 3D coordinates

double fndYangle1(BODY *body, int iBody)

First y-term associated rotation into 3D Cartesian coordinates

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • iBody – Index of body in question


First y-term in rotation into 3D coordinates

double fndYangle2(BODY *body, int iBody)

Second y-term associated rotation into 3D Cartesian coordinates

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • iBody – Index of body in question


Second y-term in rotation into 3D coordinates

double fndZangle1(BODY *body, int iBody)

First z-term associated rotation into 3D Cartesian coordinates

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • iBody – Index of body in question


First z-term in rotation into 3D coordinates

double fndZangle2(BODY *body, int iBody)

Second z-term associated rotation into 3D Cartesian coordinates

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • iBody – Index of body in question


Second z-term in rotation into 3D coordinates

double fndXinit(BODY *body, int iBody)

Calculates x-position in orbital plane

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • iBody – Index of body in question


Position of planet in x direction (au)

double fndYinit(BODY *body, int iBody)

Calculates y-position in orbital plane

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • iBody – Index of body in question


Position of planet in y direction (au/day)

double fndVxi(BODY *body, int iBody)

Calculates x-velocity in orbital plane

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • iBody – Index of body in question


Velocity of planet in x direction (au/day)

double fndVyi(BODY *body, int iBody)

Calculates y-velocity in orbital plane

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • iBody – Index of body in question


Velocity of planet in y direction (au/day)

void cross(double *a, double *b, double *c)

Calculates cross product of vectors

  • a – First vector of cross prodect

  • b – Second vector of cross product

  • c – Resulting product containing cross product

double fndLaplaceCoeff(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ, double dIndexS)

Laplace coefficient used in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)

  • dIndexS – Index s of Laplace Coefficients (usually s = 1/2, 3/2, or 5/2)


Laplace coefficient

double fndDerivLaplaceCoeff(int iNthDeriv, double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ, double dIndexS)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of Laplace coefficient used in disturbing function

  • iNthDeriv – Order of derivative to be taken

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)

  • dIndexS – Index s of Laplace Coefficients (usually s = 1/2, 3/2, or 5/2)


Laplace coefficient

double fndSemiMajAxF1(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF1Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF2(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF2Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF3(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF3Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF4(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF4Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF5(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF5Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF6(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF6Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF7(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF7Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF8(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF8Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF9(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF9Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF10(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF10Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF11(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF11Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF12(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF12Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF13(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF13Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF14(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF14Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF15(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF15Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF16(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF16Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF17(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF17Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF18(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF18Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF19(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF19Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF20(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF20Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF21(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF21Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF22(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF22Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF23(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF23Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF24(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF24Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF25(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF25Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndSemiMajAxF26(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Semi-major axis term

double fndDSemiF26Dalpha(double dAxRatio, int iIndexJ)

Derivative in d/d(alpha) of semi-major axis term in disturbing function

  • dAxRatio – Ratio of inner planet’s semi to outer planet’s (must be < 1)

  • iIndexJ – Index j of Laplace Coefficients (j = 0 for secular model)


Derivative of semi-major axis term

double fndDdistDhDir01(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dh term for interior body

double fndDdistDhDir02(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dh term for interior body

double fndDdistDhDir03(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dh term for interior body

double fndDdistDhDir04(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dh term for interior body

double fndDdistDhDir05(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dh term for interior body

double fndDdistDhDir06(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dh term for interior body

double fndDdistDhDir08(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dh term for interior body

double fndDdistDhDir09(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dh term for interior body

double fndDdistDhDir010(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dh term for interior body

double fndDdistDhDir011(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dh term for interior body

double fndDdistDhDir013(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dh term for interior body

double fndDdistDhDir014(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dh term for interior body

double fndDdisturbDHecc(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Sums over secular dR/dh terms of disturbing function for interior body

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Total dR/dh for interior body

double fndDdistDhPrmDir01(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dh term for exterior body

double fndDdistDhPrmDir02(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dh term for exterior body

double fndDdistDhPrmDir03(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dh term for exterior body

double fndDdistDhPrmDir04(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dh term for exterior body

double fndDdistDhPrmDir06(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dh term for exterior body

double fndDdistDhPrmDir07(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dh term for exterior body

double fndDdistDhPrmDir09(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dh term for exterior body

double fndDdistDhPrmDir010(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dh term for exterior body

double fndDdistDhPrmDir011(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dh term for exterior body

double fndDdistDhPrmDir012(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dh term for exterior body

double fndDdistDhPrmDir014(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dh term for exterior body

double fndDdistDhPrmDir015(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dh of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dh term for exterior body

double fndDdisturbDHeccPrime(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Sums over secular dR/dh terms of disturbing function for exterior body

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Total dR/dh for exterior body

double fndDdistDkDir01(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dk term for interior body

double fndDdistDkDir02(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dk term for interior body

double fndDdistDkDir03(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dk term for interior body

double fndDdistDkDir04(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dk term for interior body

double fndDdistDkDir05(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dk term for interior body

double fndDdistDkDir06(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dk term for interior body

double fndDdistDkDir08(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dk term for interior body

double fndDdistDkDir09(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dk term for interior body

double fndDdistDkDir010(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dk term for interior body

double fndDdistDkDir011(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dk term for interior body

double fndDdistDkDir013(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dk term for interior body

double fndDdistDkDir014(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dk term for interior body

double fndDdisturbDKecc(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Sums over secular dR/dk terms of disturbing function for interior body

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Total dR/dk for interior body

double fndDdistDkPrmDir01(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dk term for exterior body

double fndDdistDkPrmDir02(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dk term for exterior body

double fndDdistDkPrmDir03(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dk term for exterior body

double fndDdistDkPrmDir04(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dk term for exterior body

double fndDdistDkPrmDir06(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dk term for exterior body

double fndDdistDkPrmDir07(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dk term for exterior body

double fndDdistDkPrmDir09(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dk term for exterior body

double fndDdistDkPrmDir010(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dk term for exterior body

double fndDdistDkPrmDir011(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dk term for exterior body

double fndDdistDkPrmDir012(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dk term for exterior body

double fndDdistDkPrmDir014(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dk term for exterior body

double fndDdistDkPrmDir015(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dk of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dk term for exterior body

double fndDdisturbDKeccPrime(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Sums over secular dR/dk terms of disturbing function for exterior body

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Total dR/dk for exterior body

double fndDdistDpDir01(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dp term for interior body

double fndDdistDpDir02(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dp term for interior body

double fndDdistDpDir03(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dp term for interior body

double fndDdistDpDir05(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dp term for interior body

double fndDdistDpDir06(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dp term for interior body

double fndDdistDpDir07(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dp term for interior body

double fndDdistDpDir08(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dp term for interior body

double fndDdistDpDir09(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dp term for interior body

double fndDdistDpDir010(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dp term for interior body

double fndDdistDpDir011(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dp term for interior body

double fndDdistDpDir012(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dp term for interior body

double fndDdistDpDir016(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dp term for interior body

double fndDdisturbDPinc(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Sums over secular dR/dp terms of disturbing function for interior body

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Total dR/dp for interior body

double fndDdistDpPrmDir01(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dp term for exterior body

double fndDdistDpPrmDir02(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dp term for exterior body

double fndDdistDpPrmDir03(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dp term for exterior body

double fndDdistDpPrmDir08(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dp term for exterior body

double fndDdistDpPrmDir09(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dp term for exterior body

double fndDdistDpPrmDir010(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dp term for exterior body

double fndDdistDpPrmDir011(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dp term for exterior body

double fndDdistDpPrmDir012(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dp term for exterior body

double fndDdistDpPrmDir013(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dp term for exterior body

double fndDdistDpPrmDir014(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dp term for exterior body

double fndDdistDpPrmDir015(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dp term for exterior body

double fndDdistDpPrmDir016(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dp of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dp term for exterior body

double fndDdisturbDPincPrime(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Sums over secular dR/dp terms of disturbing function for exterior body

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Total dR/dp for exterior body

double fndDdistDqDir01(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dq term for interior body

double fndDdistDqDir02(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dq term for interior body

double fndDdistDqDir03(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dq term for interior body

double fndDdistDqDir05(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dq term for interior body

double fndDdistDqDir06(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dq term for interior body

double fndDdistDqDir07(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dq term for interior body

double fndDdistDqDir08(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dq term for interior body

double fndDdistDqDir09(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dq term for interior body

double fndDdistDqDir010(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dq term for interior body

double fndDdistDqDir011(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dq term for interior body

double fndDdistDqDir012(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dq term for interior body

double fndDdistDqDir016(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of interior body

  • jBody – Index of exterior body


dR/dq term for interior body

double fndDdisturbDQinc(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Sums over secular dR/dq terms of disturbing function for interior body

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Total dR/dq for interior body

double fndDdistDqPrmDir01(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dq term for exterior body

double fndDdistDqPrmDir02(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dq term for exterior body

double fndDdistDqPrmDir03(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dq term for exterior body

double fndDdistDqPrmDir08(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dq term for exterior body

double fndDdistDqPrmDir09(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dq term for exterior body

double fndDdistDqPrmDir010(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dq term for exterior body

double fndDdistDqPrmDir011(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dq term for exterior body

double fndDdistDqPrmDir012(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dq term for exterior body

double fndDdistDqPrmDir013(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dq term for exterior body

double fndDdistDqPrmDir014(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dq term for exterior body

double fndDdistDqPrmDir015(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dq term for exterior body

double fndDdistDqPrmDir016(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int iBody, int jBody)

Derivative in d/dq of disturbing function term

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iBody – Index of exterior body

  • jBody – Index of interior body


dR/dq term for exterior body

double fndDdisturbDQincPrime(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Sums over secular dR/dq terms of disturbing function for exterior body

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Total dR/dq for exterior body

double fndApsidalGRCorrection(BODY *body, int *iaBody)

Relativistic precession of periastron

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Derivative d(longp)/dt due to general relativity

double fndApsidalGRDhDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Relativistic correction to derivative of variable Hecc = e*sin(longp) in RD4 solution

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Derivative dh/dt due to general relativity

double fndApsidalGRDkDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Relativistic correction to derivative of variable Kecc = e*sin(longp) in RD4 solution

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Derivative dk/dt due to general relativity

double fndDistOrbRD4DhDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Derivative of variable Hecc = e*sin(longp) in RD4 solution

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Derivative dh/dt

double fndDistOrbRD4DkDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Derivative of variable Kecc = e*cos(longp) in RD4 solution

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Derivative dk/dt

double fndDistOrbRD4DpDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Derivative of variable Pinc = sin(inc/2)*sin(longa) in RD4 solution

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Derivative dp/dt

double fndDistOrbRD4DqDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Derivative of variable Qinc = sin(inc/2)*cos(longa) in RD4 solution

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Derivative dq/dt

double fndDistOrbLL2Hecc(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Value of variable Hecc = e*sin(longp) at time dAge, in the LL2 solution (not a derivative)

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Hecc at time dAge

double fndDistOrbLL2Kecc(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Value of variable Kecc = e*cos(longp) at time dAge, in the LL2 solution (not a derivative)

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Kecc at time dAge

double fndDistOrbLL2Pinc(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Value of variable Pinc = sin(inc/2)*sin(longp) at time dAge, in the LL2 solution (not a derivative)

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Pinc at time dAge

double fndDistOrbLL2Qinc(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Value of variable Qinc = sin(inc/2)*cos(longp) at time dAge, in the LL2 solution (not a derivative)

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Qinc at time dAge

double fndDistOrbLL2DhDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Provides derivative of variable Hecc = e*sin(longp) to couple eqtide to LL2 solution.

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Derivative dh/dt

double fndDistOrbLL2DkDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Provides derivative of variable Kecc = e*sin(longp) to couple eqtide to LL2 solution.

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Derivative dk/dt

double fndDistOrbLL2DpDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Provides derivative of variable Pinc = sin(inc/2)*sin(longa) to couple distrot to LL2 solution.

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Derivative dp/dt

double fndDistOrbLL2DqDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Provides derivative of variable Qinc = sin(inc/2)*cos(longa) to couple distrot to LL2 solution.

  • body – Struct containing all body information and variables

  • system – Struct containing system information

  • iaBody – Array containing indices of bodies associated with interaction


Derivative dq/dt

double fdInclination(BODY *body, int iBody)
double fdLongA(BODY *body, int iBody)


Subroutines that control the integration of the orbital model.


Russell Deitrick (deitrr)


April 28 2015


SWAP(g, h)