


Subroutines that control the integration of the atmospheric escape model.


Rodrigo Luger (


May 12 2015


This module defines differential equations controlling the evolution of planetary atmospheres under intense extreme ultraviolet (XUV) stellar irradiation. The atmesc module implements energy-limited and diffusion-limited escape for hydrogen/helium atmospheres and water vapor atmospheres following :cite:`Luger2015`, :cite:`LugerBarnes2015`, and :cite:`LehmerCatling17`.


void BodyCopyAtmEsc(BODY *dest, BODY *src, int foo, int iNumBodies, int iBody)

Create a copy of the body at index iBody. Used during integration of the differential equations.

  • dest – The body copy

  • src – The original body instance

  • foo – Who knows!?

  • iNumBodies – Number of bodies

  • iBody – Current body index

void ReadFXUV(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the XUV flux from the input file.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadThermTemp(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the thermospheric temperature for the :cite:`LehmerCatling17` atmospheric escape model.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadFlowTemp(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the temperature of the hydro flow for the Luger+Barnes escape model.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadAtmGasConst(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the atmospheric gas constant the Lehmer and Catling (2017) atmospheric escape model.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadJeansTime(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the Jeans time, the time at which the flow transitions from hydrodynamic to ballistic.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadPresXUV(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the effective XUV absorption pressure for the Lehmner and Catling (2017) model.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadWaterLossModel(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the water loss model for the Luger and Barnes (2015) atmospheric escape model.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadAtmXAbsEffH2OModel(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the XUV absorption efficiency model for the Luger and Barnes (2015) atmospheric escape model.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadPlanetRadiusModel(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the planet radius model.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadInstantO2Sink(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the parameter that controls surface O2 sinks for the Luger and Barnes (2015) model.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadStopWaterLossInHZ(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the parameter that controls water loss once planet reaches HZ.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadBondiLimited(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the parameter that controls whether or not to limit envelope mass loss at the Bondi limit

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadEnergyLimited(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the parameter that controls whether or not to use energy-limited escape for H envelope mass loss

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadRRLimited(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the parameter that controls whether or not to use radiation/recombination-limited escape

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadAtmEscAuto(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the parameter that controls whether or not to let atmesc determine which escape regime the planet is in

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadXFrac(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the planet’s effective XUV radius.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadAtmXAbsEffH(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the XUV absorption efficiency for hydrogen.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadMinKTide(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Minimum value for KTide

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadAtmXAbsEffH2O(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the XUV absorption efficiency for water.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadOxygenMass(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the planet’s initial atmospheric oxygen mass (Luger and Barnes 2015 model).

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadOxygenMantleMass(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the planet’s initial mantle oxygen mass (Luger and Barnes 2015 model).

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadHaltMinSurfaceWaterMass(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the parameter that controls whether the code halts when the planet is desiccated.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void ReadHaltMinEnvelopeMass(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, int iFile)

Read the parameter that controls whether the code halts when the planet’s envelope is fully evaporated.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • iFile – The current file number

void InitializeOptionsAtmEsc(OPTIONS *options, fnReadOption fnRead[])

Initialize the user options for the atmospheric escape model.

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • fnRead – Array of pointers to the functions that read in the options

void ReadOptionsAtmEsc(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, SYSTEM *system, fnReadOption fnRead[], int iBody)

Loops through the input files and reads all user options for the atmospheric escape model.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the integration CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the array of input FILES

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • fnRead – Array of pointers to the functions that read in the options

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void VerifySurfaceWaterMass(BODY *body, OPTIONS *options, UPDATE *update, double dAge, int iBody)

Initializes the differential equation matrix for the surface water mass.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • dAge – The current age of the system

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void VerifyOxygenMass(BODY *body, OPTIONS *options, UPDATE *update, double dAge, int iBody)

Initializes the differential equation matrix for the atmospheric oxygen mass.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • dAge – The current age of the system

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void VerifyOxygenMantleMass(BODY *body, OPTIONS *options, UPDATE *update, double dAge, int iBody)

Initializes the differential equation matrix for the mantle oxygen mass.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • dAge – The current age of the system

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void VerifyEnvelopeMass(BODY *body, OPTIONS *options, UPDATE *update, double dAge, int iBody)

Initializes the differential equation matrix for the gaseous envelope mass.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • dAge – The current age of the system

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void VerifyMassAtmEsc(BODY *body, OPTIONS *options, UPDATE *update, double dAge, int iBody)

Initializes the differential equation matrix for the planet mass.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • dAge – The current age of the system

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void VerifyRadiusAtmEsc(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OPTIONS *options, UPDATE *update, double dAge, int iBody)

Initializes the differential equation matrix for the planet radius.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the CONTROL instance

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • dAge – The current age of the system

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void EnvelopeLost(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, IO *io, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody)
double fdAtmEscXi(BODY *body, int iBody)
double fdKTide(BODY *body, IO *io, int iNumBodies, int iBody)
void ForceBehaviorEnvelopeEscape(BODY *body, MODULE *module, EVOLVE *evolve, IO *io, SYSTEM *system, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody, int iModule)

If necessary, change how the code handle hydrogen envelope escape

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • module – A pointer to the MODULE instance

  • evolve – A pointer to the EVOLVE instance

  • io – A pointer to the IO instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • fnUpdate – A triple-pointer to the function that updates each variable

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iModule – The current MODULE number

void ForceBehaviorWaterEscape(BODY *body, MODULE *module, EVOLVE *evolve, IO *io, SYSTEM *system, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody, int iModule)

If necessary, change how the code handle hwater loss

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • module – A pointer to the MODULE instance

  • evolve – A pointer to the EVOLVE instance

  • io – A pointer to the IO instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • fnUpdate – A triple-pointer to the function that updates each variable

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iModule – The current MODULE number

void fnForceBehaviorAtmEsc(BODY *body, MODULE *module, EVOLVE *evolve, IO *io, SYSTEM *system, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody, int iModule)

This function is run during every step of the integrator to perform checks and force certain non-diffeq behavior.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • module – A pointer to the MODULE instance

  • evolve – A pointer to the EVOLVE instance

  • io – A pointer to the IO instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • fnUpdate – A triple-pointer to the function that updates each variable

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iModule – The current MODULE number

void AuxPropsLehmer17(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, int iBody)
void fnPropsAuxAtmEsc(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, IO *io, UPDATE *update, int iBody)

Initializes several helper variables and properties used in the integration.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • evolve – A pointer to the EVOLVE instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void AssignAtmEscDerivatives(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody)

Assigns functions returning the time-derivatives of each variable to the magical matrix of function pointers.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • evolve – A pointer to the EVOLVE instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • fnUpdate – A triple-pointer to the function that updates each variable

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void NullAtmEscDerivatives(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody)

Assigns null functions to the magical matrix of function pointers for variables that will not get updated.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • evolve – A pointer to the EVOLVE instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • fnUpdate – A triple-pointer to the function that updates each variable

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void VerifyAtmEsc(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, FILES *files, OPTIONS *options, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iModule)

Verify all the inputs for the atmospheric escape module.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the CONTROL instance

  • files – A pointer to the FILES instance

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • output – A pointer to the OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the SYSTEM instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iModule – The current MODULE number

void InitializeUpdateAtmEsc(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int iBody)

Internal housekeeping function that determines which variables get updated every time step.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void FinalizeUpdateEccAtmEsc(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)

Internal housekeeping function that determines which variables get updated every time step.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iEqn – The current equation number

  • iVar – The current variable number

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iFoo – ?!

void FinalizeUpdateSurfaceWaterMassAtmEsc(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)

Internal housekeeping function that determines which variables get updated every time step.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iEqn – The current equation number

  • iVar – The current variable number

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iFoo – ?!

void FinalizeUpdateOxygenMassAtmEsc(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)

Internal housekeeping function that determines which variables get updated every time step.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iEqn – The current equation number

  • iVar – The current variable number

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iFoo – ?!

void FinalizeUpdateOxygenMantleMassAtmEsc(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)

Internal housekeeping function that determines which variables get updated every time step.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iEqn – The current equation number

  • iVar – The current variable number

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iFoo – ?!

void FinalizeUpdateEnvelopeMassAtmEsc(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)

Internal housekeeping function that determines which variables get updated every time step.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iEqn – The current equation number

  • iVar – The current variable number

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iFoo – ?!

void FinalizeUpdateMassAtmEsc(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)

Internal housekeeping function that determines which variables get updated every time step.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iEqn – The current equation number

  • iVar – The current variable number

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iFoo – ?!

void FinalizeUpdateOblAtmEsc(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)

Internal housekeeping function that determines which variables get updated every time step.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iEqn – The current equation number

  • iVar – The current variable number

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iFoo – ?!

void FinalizeUpdateRotAtmEsc(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)

Internal housekeeping function that determines which variables get updated every time step.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iEqn – The current equation number

  • iVar – The current variable number

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iFoo – ?!

void FinalizeUpdateSemiAtmEsc(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)

Internal housekeeping function that determines which variables get updated every time step.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iEqn – The current equation number

  • iVar – The current variable number

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iFoo – ?!

void FinalizeUpdateRadiusAtmEsc(BODY *body, UPDATE *update, int *iEqn, int iVar, int iBody, int iFoo)

Internal housekeeping function that determines which variables get updated every time step.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iEqn – The current equation number

  • iVar – The current variable number

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iFoo – ?!

int fbHaltSurfaceDesiccated(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, HALT *halt, IO *io, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody)

Checks for surface desiccation and halts if necessary.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • evolve – A pointer to the EVOLVE instance

  • halt – A pointer to the HALT instance

  • io – A pointer to the IO instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current BODY number

int fbHaltEnvelopeGone(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, HALT *halt, IO *io, UPDATE *update, fnUpdateVariable ***fnUpdate, int iBody)

Checks for envelope evaporation and halts if necessary.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • evolve – A pointer to the EVOLVE instance

  • halt – A pointer to the HALT instance

  • io – A pointer to the IO instance

  • update – A pointer to the UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void CountHaltsAtmEsc(HALT *halt, int *iHalt)

Count the number of halting conditions.

  • halt – A pointer to the HALT instance

  • iHalt – The current HALT number

void VerifyHaltAtmEsc(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OPTIONS *options, int iBody, int *iHalt)

Check whether the user wants to halt on certain conditions.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the CONTROL instance

  • options – A pointer to the OPTIONS instance

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iHalt – The current HALT number

void WriteSurfaceWaterMass(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the surface water mass.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteHEscapeRegime(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the H escape regime

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteOxygenMass(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the atmospheric oxygen mass.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteKTide(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs Ktide, the gravitational enhancement of mass loss.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteOxygenMantleMass(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the mantle oxygen mass.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WritePlanetRadius(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the planet radius.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteEnvelopeMass(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the envelope mass.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteRGLimit(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the semi-major axis corresponding to the current runaway greenhouse limit.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteOxygenMixingRatio(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the oxygen mixing ratio at the base of the hydrodynamic wind.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteOxygenEta(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the oxygen eta parameter from Luger and Barnes (2015).

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteAtmXAbsEffH2O(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the XUV absorption efficiency for water.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WritePlanetRadXUV(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the planet’s radius in the XUV.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteDEnvMassDt(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the atmospheric mass loss rate.


This routine is currently broken.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteThermTemp(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the thermospheric temperature.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteFlowTemp(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the temperature of the flow.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WritePresSurf(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the surface pressure.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WritePresXUV(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the pressure at the XUV absorption radius.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteJeansTime(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the time at which the flow transitioned to Jeans escape.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteScaleHeight(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the atmospheric scale height.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteAtmGasConst(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the gas constant.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteRadSolid(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the planet’s solid radius.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteRocheRadius(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the planet’s Roche radius.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteBondiRadius(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the planet’s Bondi radius.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteFXUV(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the XUV flux received by the planet.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteRRCriticalFlux(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the critical XUV flux that separates the radiation/recombination-limited and energy-limited H envelope escape regimes

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteCrossoverMass(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the crossover mass.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteWaterEscapeRegime(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the Water escape regime

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteFXUVCRITDRAG(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the XUV flux received by the planet.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteHREFFLUX(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the Hydrogen Reference Flux

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteHDiffLimFlux(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the H flux if it was diffusion limited (or the true flux in the diffusion limited regime)

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteHRefODragMod(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Modifier for H Ref Flux to include oxygen drag at a snapshot in time

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteMolecOxygenMixingRatio(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the molecular oxygen mixing ratio.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void WriteWaterAtmMixingRatio(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UNITS *units, UPDATE *update, int iBody, double *dTmp, char cUnit[])

Logs the water mixing ratio.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • units – A pointer to the current UNITS instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body Number

  • dTmp – Temporary variable used for unit conversions

  • cUnit – The unit for this variable

void InitializeOutputAtmEsc(OUTPUT *output, fnWriteOutput fnWrite[])

Set up stuff to be logged for atmesc.

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • fnWrite – A pointer to the function that does the logging

void LogOptionsAtmEsc(CONTROL *control, FILE *fp)

Log the global atmesc options.


This routine currently does nothing!

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • fp – A FILE pointer

void LogAtmEsc(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UPDATE *update, fnWriteOutput fnWrite[], FILE *fp)

Log the global atmesc parameters.


This routine currently does nothing!

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • fnWrite – A pointer to the function doing the logging

  • fp – A FILE pointer

void LogBodyAtmEsc(BODY *body, CONTROL *control, OUTPUT *output, SYSTEM *system, UPDATE *update, fnWriteOutput fnWrite[], FILE *fp, int iBody)

Log the body-specific atmesc parameters.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • control – A pointer to the current CONTROL instance

  • output – A pointer to the current OUTPUT instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • fnWrite – A pointer to the function doing the logging

  • fp – A FILE pointer

  • iBody – The current BODY number

void AddModuleAtmEsc(CONTROL *control, MODULE *module, int iBody, int iModule)

Adds atmesc to the current array of MODULEs.

  • module – A pointer to the current array of MODULE instances

  • iBody – The current BODY number

  • iModule – The current MODULE number

double fdDSurfaceWaterMassDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

The rate of change of the surface water mass.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • iaBody – An array of body indices. The current body is index 0.

double fdDOxygenMassDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

The rate of change of the oxygen mass in the atmosphere.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • iaBody – An array of body indices. The current body is index 0.

double fdDOxygenMantleMassDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

The rate of change of the oxygen mass in the mantle.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • iaBody – An array of body indices. The current body is index 0.

double fdDEnvelopeMassDt(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

The rate of change of the envelope mass given energy-limited escape.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • iaBody – An array of body indices. The current body is index 0.

double fdDEnvelopeMassDtBondiLimited(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

The rate of change of the envelope mass given Bondi-limited escape.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • iaBody – An array of body indices. The current body is index 0.

double fdDEnvelopeMassDtRRLimited(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

The rate of change of the envelope mass given raditation/recombination-limited escape.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • iaBody – An array of body indices. The current body is index 0.

double fdSurfEnFluxAtmEsc(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, UPDATE *update, int iBody, int iFoo)

This function does nothing in atmesc.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • update – A pointer to the current UPDATE instance

  • iBody – The current body index

  • iFoo – An example of pretty lousy programming

double fdPlanetRadius(BODY *body, SYSTEM *system, int *iaBody)

Returns the planet radius at the current time.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • system – A pointer to the current SYSTEM instance

  • iaBody – An array of body indices. The current body is index 0.

int fbDoesWaterEscape(BODY *body, EVOLVE *evolve, IO *io, int iBody)

Computes whether or not water is escaping.

  • body – A pointer to the current BODY instance

  • iBody – The current BODY index

double fdAtomicOxygenMixingRatio(double dSurfaceWaterMass, double dOxygenMass)

Computes the atomic oxygen mixing ratio in the hydrodynamic flow.

  • dSurfaceWaterMass – The amount of water in the atmosphere

  • dOxygenMass – The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere

double fdMolecOxygenMixingRatio(double dSurfaceWaterMass, double dOxygenMass)

Computes the molecular oxygen mixing ratio in atmosphere. ASSUMING PURE WATER/OXYGEN ATMOSPHERE

  • dSurfaceWaterMass – The amount of water in the atmosphere

  • dOxygenMass – The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere

double fdWaterAtmMixingRatio(double dSurfaceWaterMass, double dOxygenMass)

Computes the water mixing ratio in atmosphere. ASSUMING PURE WATER/OXYGEN ATMOSPHERE

  • dSurfaceWaterMass – The amount of water in the atmosphere

  • dOxygenMass – The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere

double fdHZRG14(BODY *body, int iBody)

Performs a simple log-linear fit to the Kopparapu et al. (2014) mass-dependent runaway greenhouse limit.


Something is wrong with this linear fit in the first 5 Myr or so, as it diverges.

  • dLuminosity – The stellar luminosity

  • dTeff – The stellar effective temperature

  • dEcc – The planet’s eccentricity — RB: Why is ecc passed?

  • dPlanetMass – The planet mass

double fdXUVEfficiencyBolmont2016(double dFXUV)

Computes the XUV absorption efficiency for a water vapor atmosphere based on a fit to the figure in Bolmont et al. (2017).


dFXUV – The XUV flux incident on the planet.

void fvLinearFit(double *x, double *y, int iLen, double *daCoeffs)

Performs a really simple linear least-squares fit on data.

  • x – The independent coordinates

  • y – The dependent coordinates

  • iLen – The length of the arrays

  • daCoeffs – The slope and the intercept of the fit

int fbRRCriticalFlux(BODY *body, int iBody)

Calculate the whether or not incident XUV flux exceeds critical flux between the radiation/recombination-limited and energy-limited H envelope escape regimes following Luger+2015 Eqn. 13

  • bodyBODY struct

  • iBody – int body indentifier


whether or not the flux is radiation/recombination-limited

double fdRRCriticalFlux(BODY *body, int iBody)

Calculate the critical flux between the radiation/recombination-limited and energy-limited H envelope escape regimes following Luger+2015 Eqn. A23-25

  • bodyBODY struct

  • iBody – int body indentifier


critical flux between radiation/recombination and Energy-limited regimes

int fbBondiCriticalDmDt(BODY *body, int iBody)

Estimate if mass loss is Bondi-limited, i.e. is planet in Roche lobe overflow

  • bodyBODY struct

  • iBody – int body indentifier


whether or not the flux is Bondi-limited

void fvAtmEscRegimeChangeOutput(int iRegimeOld, int iRegimeNew, double dTime)

Determine correct print statement to identify atmospheric escape regime change string

  • iRegimeOld – int previoius atmospheric escape regime

  • iRegimeNew – int new atmospheric escape regime

  • dTime – double time when regime change occurs




Subroutines that control the integration of the atmospheric escape model.


Rodrigo Luger (


May 12 2015



Mass of one terrestrial ocean in kg (TO)


Hydrogen mass in one TO


Flag: Luger and Barnes (2015) atmospheric escape formulae


Flag: Luger and Barnes (2015) atmospheric escape formulae w/ updated \ oxygen mixing ratio calculations


Flag: Tian (2015) atmospheric escape formulae flag \


Flag: Energy-limited escape


Flag: Diffusion-limited escape


Flag: Bondi-limited escape


Flag: Radiation/recombination-limited escape


Flag: Ballistic escape regime


Flag: No atmospheric escape


Flag: Lopez (2012) gaseous planet radius model


Flag: Proxima Centauri b gaseous planet radius model


Flag: Lehmer & Catling (2017) planet radius model


Flag: Bolmont (2016) XUV absorption efficiency model


Schaefer et al (2016) atmospheric escape model


Atomic mass ratio oxygen/hydrogen


Start of AtmEsc options


End of AtmEsc options


Halt if desiccated?


X-ray absorption radius as a fraction of planet radius


Hydrogen Absorption efficiency (epsilon)


Halt if evaporated?


Initial oxygen mass


Oxygen buildup / water loss model


Gaseous planet radius model (for atmesc)


Gaseous planet radius model (for atmesc) \


Water Absorption efficiency (epsilon)


Initial oxygen mass in mantle


thermosphere temperature


Pressure at bottom of thermosphere


Atmospheric Gas Constant


The value of the XUV flux


Model for time evolution of epsilon for H2O


Time at which flow becomes ballistic (Jeans escape)


Flow temperature


Whether or not to use Bondi-limited escape \


Whether or not to use energy-limited escape


Whether or not to use radiation/recombination-limited escape


Whether or not to let atmesc determine escape regime


Stop water loss once planet reaches HZ?


Minimum KTide value