The “Cosmic Shoreline”
A reproduction of Zahnle & Catling (2018)’s cosmic shoreline, a proposed boundary between planet with and without atmosphere.
Date |
09/12/2024 |
Author |
Rory Barnes |
Modules |
Atmesc, STELLAR |
Approx. runtime |
10 seonds |
To run this example
python <pdf | png>
Expected output

The blue line is the cosmic shoreline, which is taken from Fig. 2 of Zahnle & Catling (2018). The black points are the positions of the Solar System planets in this parameter space. The Sun’s XUV luminosity is assumed to follow the Ribas et al. (2005) model. This figure, while not as complete as Zahnle & Catling (2018), is a near exact reproduction of their results.