Thermal and Magnetic Evolution of Venus
Internal evolution of Venus.
Date |
10/15/18 |
Author |
Peter Driscoll |
Modules |
RadHeat ThermInt |
Approx. runtime |
<1 second |
This example uses the stagnant lid model in ThemInt to estimate Venus’ thermal and magnetic evolution. Without much data on its interior, this problem is underconstrained, but VPLanet does match the available observations. Note that in this example we assume Venus is identical to Earth in mass, radius, and composition to directly compare with Fig. 6 from (Driscoll & Bercovici (2014).
To run this example
python <pdf | png>
Expected output

Analagous to EarthInterior. Nominal thermal history of the Venus’ mantle and core. Radiogenic heating is from RadHeat. Magnetic moment evolution is estimated from the core energy balance and inner core growth.